tracks along the leading-strand template in the 3′-to-5′ direction (Fu et al., 2011), with the N-
tier ring of MCM2-7 at the leading edge of the advancing helicase (Georgescu et al., 2017).
Strand separation is proposed to be achieved by a modified version of steric exclusion, whereby
the lagging strand penetrates the N-tier of the CMG before separation (Langston & O'Donnell,
The mechanism of translocation by which the CMG couples ATP hydrolysis to processive
DNA unwinding is the current focus of intense research efforts. Based on structural analysis of
bacteriophage, viral and bacterial systems (Enemark & Joshua-Tor, 2006; Gao et al., 2019;
Itsathitphaisarn, Wing, Eliason, Wang, & Steitz, 2012; Singleton, Sawaya, Ellenberger, &
Wigley, 2000) a consensus has emerged for a sequential rotary mechanism of DNA unwinding
by replicative DNA helicases. In this mechanism, ATP is sequentially hydrolysed by
successive ring subunits so that each ring position cycles through ATP, ADP and apo states. In
turn, the ATP state determines allosterically the position of the DNA-binding loops, that adopt
a staircase arrangement matching the DNA spiral bound within the ring pore. The sequential
hydrolysis of ATP around the ring causes the coordinated motion of the DNA-binding loops,
resulting in translocation of the DNA substrate through the ring.
A complicating feature when trying to analyse CMG translocation is that, unlike the homo-
hexameric helicases of simpler organisms, the MCM2-7 motor of the CMG is a hetero-hexamer
of six related but distinct subunits (Bochman, Bell, & Schwacha, 2008). Indeed, biochemical
measures of DNA unwinding by purified fly CMG showed that ATP binding and hydrolysis
are not equally important at all MCM ring interfaces (Eickhoff et al., 2019; Ilves, Petojevic,
Pesavento, & Botchan, 2010). Furthermore, biological evidence in yeast shows that the
importance of DNA binding is different among MCM subunits (Lam et al., 2013; Ramey &
Sclafani, 2014). Recent cryoEM analyses of yeast CMG have led to the proposal of alternative
translocation mechanisms, based on ‘pumpjack’ or ‘inchworm’ movements of the N- and C-
tier of the MCM ring (Abid Ali et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2016). A recent structural study of the
fly CMG in conditions of DNA-fork unwinding (Eickhoff et al., 2019) imaged four distinct
states of the helicase; the states formed the basis for an asymmetric model of DNA unwinding
that accounted for the different roles of the MCM2-7 subunits in translocation.
The critical insights provided by these initial landmark studies have not been sufficient to settle
the important issue of the mechanism of DNA translocation by the CMG, and therefore further
structural investigations are needed. It is especially important to obtain high-resolution cryoEM
maps that will allow the determination of accurate atomic models of the helicase bound to fork
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