Thesis of the master degree in business administration Hanoi University of Technology
Do Pham Minh Duc, Mr.: CH 2007-2009 Faculty of Economics and Management
Subject: Proposing the solutions on enhancing the quality service of retail
loans at VPBANK
To give comments and explanations on theory and practical basis of
evaluating quality service of retail loan; Analysis VPBANK operations to find
out the causes to dissatisfy customer and to propose the solutions on quality
service improvement of retail banking loan.
The thesis consists of three chapters as follows:
- Chapter 1: Theory basis of retail loan banking and evaluating quality
- Chapter 2: To analyze the current situation to evaluate quality service
of retail banking loan.
- Chapter 3:
Several solutions on
enhancing quality service of
VPBANK retail loans.
The thesis summaries the basic theories on working motivation, presents the
advantages and disadvantages of the solutions on the current working
motivation; points out and the remaining factors affected to the working
motivation; and propose the solution on working motivation to the employees
of Vietnam Float Glass Co., Ltd.
New issues:
The thesis focuses on:
- To summarize the basic theory about working loan service and
evaluating quality service of retail loan banking.
- To propose the solutions on quality service of VPBANK retail loan
Thesis of the master degree in business administration Hanoi University of Technology
Do Pham Minh Duc, Mr.: CH 2007-2009 Faculty of Economics and Management
Other issues need further study to be solved:
Due to the limited time, the thesis only presents preliminary analysis and
directory solutions. In order to give out more specific and practical
standpoints, it is necessary to have further study and investigation in each
Retail banking loan is a major banking operation making income and profit to
VPBANK. The role of quality service to satisfying customer demand is
extremely important to attract customer apply bank’s service in competition
context. So, management board should be aware of the role of satisfying
customer and spread out quality service subject to the juniors by enhancing
continuously all quality banking services.
Hanoi, November 20
Do Pham Minh Duc