High Accuracy Buoyancy for Underwater Gliders:
The Uncertainty in the Depth Control
Enrico Petritoli, Fabio Leccese * and Marco Cagnetti
Science Department, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca Navale n. 84, 00146 Rome, Italy; (E.P.); (M.C.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-06-5733-7347
This paper is an extended version of our paper published in Petritoli, E.; Leccese, F; Cagnetti, M. A High
Accuracy Buoyancy System Control for an Underwater Glider. In Proceedings of the second IEEE
International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea), Bari, Italy, 8–10 October 2018.
Received: 8 March 2019; Accepted: 12 April 2019; Published: 17 April 2019
This paper is a section of several preliminary studies of the Underwater Drones Group
of the Universit
degli Studi “Roma Tre” Science Department: We describe the study philosophy,
the theoretical technological considerations for sizing and the development of a technological
demonstrator of a high accuracy buoyancy and depth control. We develop the main requirements and
the boundary conditions that design the buoyancy system and develop the mathematical conditions
that define the main parameters.
uncertainty; buoyancy; depth control; accuracy; AUV; glider; autonomous; underwater;
1. Introduction
This paper is part of several preliminary studies by Underwater Drones Group (UDG) of the
Science Department of the Universit
degli Studi “Roma Tre”, which is developing an advanced
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for the exploration of the sea at high depths. The final aim
of the project is to create a platform for underwater scientific research that can accommodate a wide
range of dierent payloads.
We will examine the buoyancy system and evaluate its sizing; then we will illustrate the
technological solution we have come up with in order to realize the hydraulic system to be assembled
in the Underwater Glider Mk. III (see Figure 1)[15].
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Perspective view of the Underwater Glider Mk. III. (a) Rear/port; (b) front/starboard.
Sensors 2019, 19, 1831; doi:10.3390/s19081831
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1.1. The Underwater Glider
1.1.1. AUV Evolution
The exploration of the underwater world has always been one of mankind’s dreams: submarines
and bathyscaphes (for extreme depths) have been developed to study the “deep blue”. Due to obvious
dangers, the human exploration can take place only for very short periods and very limited areas: for
these reasons, the exploration of the sea has immediately been drawn towards unmanned automatic
systems [68].
An AUV is a vehicle that travels underwater without requiring input from an operator; this means
that it must be equipped with a “brain” that regulates and coordinates its position, its depth and its
speed: moreover, it is able to collect and store data from the payload. One of the first realizations was
the Autonomous LAgrangian Circulation Explorer (ALACE) system, a buoy that was able to vary its
buoyancy and therefore its depth. Although it possessed a great endurance, it only could be employed
for great depths and in open sea—the consequences of these limitations are evident.
The next step was the use of Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). These, thanks to the constant
development of electronic miniaturization, are extremely high performing vehicles for short-lasting
marine operations, but the require the constant presence of a support vessel.
The need to get rid of the randomness of the currents has led to the natural development of the
underwater glider concept [915].
1.1.2. The Underwater Glider
An underwater glider is a vehicle that, by changing its buoyancy, moves up and down in the
ocean like a profiling float [
]. It uses hydrodynamic wings to convert vertical motion into horizontal
motion, moving forward with very low power consumption [
]. While not as fast as conventional
AUVs, the glider, using buoyancy-based propulsion, oers increased range and endurance compared
to motor-driven vehicles and missions may extend to months and to several thousands of kilometres
in range. An underwater glider follows an up-and-down, sawtooth-like mission profile providing data
on temporal and spatial scales unavailable with previous types of AUVs [2327].
1.1.3. The Mk. III Architecture
The Mk. III sub-glider has a cylindrical fuselage with a radome on the bow containing the
customizable payload and, on the other end, the hydrodynamic fairing. The vehicle does not have
moving surfaces: control is provided by the displacement of the battery package that varies the position
of the centre of mass. The wings aerofoil is based on the Eppler E838 Hydrofoil. The aerofoil has the
maximum thickness 18.4% at 37.2% chord and maximum camber 0% at 46.5% chord. The arrangement
of the internal sectors is visible in Figure 2a,b. The buoyancy system is contained in the buoyancy
control bay: it accommodates the buoyancy motor and the oil tank and provides longitudinal balance
to the system by adjusting the level in the reservoir. The bladder is contained in the hydrodynamic
fairing, in contact with the open water. The fairing is not a critical structural part—it has the task of not
disturbing the hydrodynamic flow of the fuselage [28].
1.1.4. Conventions
We introduce, for clarity, the mathematical conventions and symbols that will be used in the
subsequent discussion (see Figure 3a,b): where:
α (or ϕ) is the angle between the x axis and the N axis.
β (or θ) is the angle between the z axis and the Z axis.
γ (or ψ) is the angle between the N axis and the X axis.
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For the rotation matrix, we have:
0 ζ
0 ζ
where ζ is the parameter vector [29].
(a) (b)
Figure 2.
Underwater Glider Mk. III cutaway: (
) fuselage prospective section; (
) fuselage
sagittal section.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.
The Euler angles. (
) Body frame (blue) and reference frame (red); (
) The body frame
referred to the drone.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The Buoyancy System
2.1.1. Basic Concepts
Gliders are controlled through hydrostatics (vertical forces) and manipulate hydrostatic balances
in order to accomplish roll and pitch of the vehicle. Stability of the vehicle is a major critical factor:
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a stable vehicle has the centre of gravity below the centre of buoyancy. In this configuration, the weight
of the vehicle creates a restoring moment to add stability to the vehicle. Roll and pitch on the glider
is accomplished by moving the battery pack. Figure 4 below displays a basic concept of a buoyancy
system for the glider [3036].
Figure 4. Basic scheme of the buoyancy system.
The system is extremely simple: while descending, hydraulic fluid moves from the external
inflatable bladder, which produces a high pressure in the internal reservoir, which is at a low pressure
through a valve: the decrease in volume of the bladder creates an increase in density, causing negative
buoyancy [3744].
While ascending, hydraulic fluid moves from internal accumulator to the external inflatable
bladder through the pump. The increase in volume creates a decrease in density causing positive
buoyancy. The seawater also flushes out the open hydrodynamic fairing of the vehicle, aiding it to rise
to the surface. For neutral buoyancy, the vehicle must have a density equal to seawater [4552].
2.1.2. The System Prototype
Our group has developed a technology demonstrator (see Figure 4) of the buoyancy system to
validate the related technology and then to test it. To reduce the force required to actuate the oil piston,
which pushes the oil in the bladder at high pressure, is necessary to reduce the piston surface (diameter)
and increase the stroke: so, the buoyancy engine resembles a “shotgun”. An open-loop stepper motor
was used to drive the screw inside the actuator that, in turn, pushes the piston. Two solenoid valves
regulate the flow of oil into the bladder [5357].
The first problem was the occurrence of actuator buckling: under the push of the engine,
the probability of a part bending is high, thus deforming the thread and jamming the mechanism.
The problem was solved by constructing a rigid cage with four struts that support the piston’s push
load, leaving the screw only with the rolling friction load. In the early project development stages, the
workgroup was oriented to use a centrifugal pump for all drives: this technology however did not allow
us to create strong pressure dierences; the need to use a more powerful engine was also highlighted
because the prevalence was too low: this would have led to an excessive battery consumption. The
second solution was to use volumetric pumps in order to obtain greater dierences in pressure (even
ones considerably higher than needed). Unfortunately, these would require too much power and are
too heavy for our small vehicle [5862].
At this stage of development, we have also thought to use the oil tank only as a passive fluid
reservoir and trimmable counterweight of the payload and as an active actuator for longitudinal
stability. The long travel of the piston (forward or backward) ensures the necessary variation of the
bladder volume for manoeuvrability [63].