Tãm t¾t luËn v¨n
LuËn v¨n cao häc tËp trung nghiªn cøu c¸c vÊn ®Ò an toµn cho m¹ng côc bé
kh«ng d©y WLAN chuÈn 802.11. Bè côc luËn v¨n gåm 4 ch¬ng vµ mét phô lôc ®i
kÌm, ch¬ng 1 tr×nh bµy tæng quan vÒ m¹ng côc bé kh«ng d©y, bao gåm c¸c vÊn ®Ò
kiÕn tróc m¹ng WLAN, c¸c thµnh phÇn m¹ng, ph¹m vi phñ sãng, b¨ng tÇn sö dông, c¸c
chuÈn chÝnh trong hä chuÈn 802.11 nh 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g.. Ngoµi ra
ch¬ng tr×nh bµy hai tÇng ®¸y cña m« h×nh ISO n¬i chuÈn 802.11 tËp trung ho¹t ®éng.
TÇng ®iÒu khiÓn truy nhËp m«i trêng MAC ®îc ®Ò cËp víi nh÷ng kü thuËt ®iÒu khiÓn
truy cËp m«i trêng chuÈn hä 802.11: chøc n¨ng phèi hîp ph©n t¸n DCF, chøc n¨ng
phèi hîp ®iÓm PCF vµ chøc n¨ng phèi hîp lai HCF. TÇng vËt lý 802.11 tr×nh bµy c¸c kü
thuËt ®iÒu chÕ tÝn hiÖu ®Æc trng cho m¹ng WLAN: kü thuËt tr¶i phæ: chuçi trùc tiÕp vµ
trît tÇn sè. Ch¬ng 2 ®Ò cËp nh÷ng nguy c¬ an toµn cho m¹ng WLAN vµ c¸c biÖn
ph¸p ®èi phã. Ch¬ng b¾t ®Çu víi nh÷ng c¬ chÕ an toµn cho m¹ng WLAN nh ®é tin
cËy, tÝnh toµn vÑn tin, tÝnh x¸c thùc...Nh÷ng nguy c¬ an toµn cho m¹ng WLAN ngoµi
nh÷ng nguy c¬ ®· cã ë m¹ng h÷u tuyÕn, WLAN cßn tiÒm Èn nh÷ng nguy c¬ kh¸c ®îc
ph©n thµnh hai lo¹i chung: tÊn c«ng chñ ®éng vµ tÊn c«ng thô ®éng. C¸c biÖn ph¸p ®èi
phã ®îc ph©n chia theo c¸c biÖn ph¸p qu¶n lý, vËn hµnh, kü thuËt. Ch¬ng 3 tr×nh bµy
chi tiÕt mét sè biÖn ph¸p an toµn WLAN th«ng dông: WEP; Läc, 802.1x, WPA, m¹ng
riªng ¶o VPN cho WLAN, vµ nh÷ng ®¸nh gi¸ chung vÒ u nhîc ®iÓm còng nh kh¶
n¨ng øng dông cña tõng biÖn ph¸p. Ch¬ng 4 ®Ò cËp ®Õn vÊn ®Ò triÓn khai mét WLAN
an toµn trong m«i trêng gi¸o dôc, cô thÓ lµ ë khu trêng häc. Tuy nhiªn, do khu«n
khæ nghiªn cøu cña luËn v¨n, néi dung ch¬ng chØ ®Ò cËp vÊn ®Ò chung nhÊt khi triÓn
khai mét WLAN an toµn cho khu trêng häc, trong ®ã nªu ý kiÕn ®Ò xuÊt thùc thi mét
WLAN an toµn cho mét khu trêng häc cô thÓ: tr
êng kü thuËt nghiÖp vô CAND. LuËn
v¨n kÕt thóc víi kÕt luËn trong ®ã nªu ®Þnh híng nghiªn cøu tiÕp theo cña luËn v¨n:
xem xÐt kh¶ n¨ng triÓn khai mét m¹ng WLAN an toµn phôc vô c«ng t¸c vµ häc tËp t¹i
trêng ®¹i häc kü thuËt c«ng an nh©n d©n. PhÇn phô lôc minh häa viÖc ¸p dông kü thuËt
mËt m· cho b¶o mËt th«ng tin truyÒn trªn m¹ng WLAN, b»ng ch¬ng tr×nh thö nghiÖm
m· ho¸/gi¶i m· file.
The document cover details specific to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
security, 802.11 standards. The document divided into four sections followed by a
appendix. Chapter one was presented with overview of WLAN technology, is
composed of WLAN architecture, components, range, bandwidth, main standards, such
as 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g...Besides, this section provides the bottom two
levels of ISO model where 802.11 standards focuse on. Medium access control (MAC)
layer was presented with medium access control technologies in 802.11 standard
family: distributed coordination function (DCF), point coordination function (PCF) and
Hybrid coordination function (HCF). Physical layer 802.11 was presented with wireless
signal modulation technologies: spread spectrum: direct sequence (DS) and frequency
hopping (FH). Chapter two is composed of WLAN security threats and risk mitigation
solutions. This section was begun with WLAN security mechanisms, such as
confidenlity, integity, authentication..WLAN security risks, besides those in wired
network, were catagorized into two: active attacks and passive attacks. Risk mitigation
solutions were divided into the following: management, operation, technological
measurements. Chapter three provides detailed discussion about the usual WLAN
security solutions: WEP, filtering method, 802.1x, WPA, VPN, and the common
evaluation of advantages and disadvantages and also the ability to apply of each
solution. Chapter four shows the subject of deployment secured WLAN in the
education environment, specific to university campus. However, because of the
limitation of this document, this chapter only examines the most common ideals about
secured WLAN deployment to the specific university campus:. The conclution shows
the future research direction of this document: examine the ability of secured WLAN
deployment to the university of technology of ministry of public security. The
appendix with the program to test the cipher/decipher file which illustrates the
application of cryptography technology to secure infomation transmitted on the