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  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Liu, Zongyuan Zoe; Papa, Mihaela (2022)

  • To fill this gap, this study develops a “Pathways to De-dollarization” framework and applies it to analyze the institutional and market mechanisms that BRICS countries have created at the BRICS, sub-BRICS, and BRICS Plus levels. The authors employ process tracing, content analysis, semi-structured interviews, archival research, and statistical analysis of quantitative market data to analyze BRICS activities during 2009–2021. They find that BRICS’ coalitional de-d...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Sachs, Jeffrey (2020)

  • The Sustainable Development Report 2020 features the SDG Index and Dashboards, the first and widely used tool to assess country performance on the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The report shows that all countries need to strengthen the resilience of their health systems and prevention programs. Some countries have outperformed others in containing the Covid-19 pandemic, yet all remain at serious risk. The report frames the&#x...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Jaccard, Mark (2020)

  • Sometimes solving climate change seems impossibly complex, and it is hard to know what changes we all can and should make to help. This book offers hope. Drawing on the latest research, Mark Jaccard shows us how to recognize the absolutely essential actions (decarbonizing electricity and transport) and policies (regulations that phase out coal plants and gasoline vehicles, carbon tariffs). Rather than feeling paralyzed and pursuing ineffective efforts,&#...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Nolte, Ellen; Merkur, Sherry; Anell, Anders (2020)

  • The idea of person-centred health systems is widely advocated in political and policy declarations to better address health system challenges. A person-centred approach is advocated on political, ethical and instrumental grounds and believed to benefit service users, health professionals and the health system more broadly. However, there is continuing debate about the strategies that are available and effective to promote and implement 'personcentred' approaches.&#x...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Maier, Claudia B (2021)

  • What are skill-mix innovations and why are they relevant? This systemic analysis of health workforce skill-mix innovations provides an overview of the evidence and lessons for implementation across multiple countries. The authors focus on six core segments of health systems: health promotion and prevention, acute care, chronic care, long-term and palliative care, as well as access for vulnerable groups and people living in underserved areas. In addition, ...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Coates, Jessica; Owen, Victoria; Reilly, Susan (2022)

  • Information is a critical resource for personal, economic and social development. Libraries and archives are the primary access point to information for individuals and communities with much of the information protected by copyright or licence terms. In this complex legal environment, librarians and information professionals operate at the fulcrum of copyright’s balance, ensuring understanding of and compliance with copyright legislation and enabling access to&#x...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Audunson, Ragnar (2020)

  • Libraries, archives and museums have traditionally been a part of the public sphere's infrastructure. They have been so by providing public access to culture and knowledge, by being agents for enlightenment and by being public meeting places in their communities. Digitization and globalization poses new challenges in relation to upholding a sustainable public sphere. Can libraries, archives and museums contribute in meeting these challenges?

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : McKee, Martin (2020)

  • Hospitals today face a huge number of challenges, including new patterns of disease, rapidly evolving medical technologies, ageing populations and continuing budget constraints. This book is written by clinicians for clinicians and hospital managers, and those who design and operate hospitals. It sets out why hospitals need to change as the patients they treat and the technology to treat them changes. In a series of chapters by leading authorities&#...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Otolo, Patience Uzezi (2022)

  • Traditional libraries, technological advancement, use of libraries, globalization, information utilisation, learning, ICT, innovation Libraries are crucial part of teaching and learning in educational institutions. The emergence of technology and its incorporation into libraries have improved learning through a well strategized information management model. This has relegated series of antiquated routine practices of the traditional or conventional library. The innovative approaches ...

  • Book

  • Authors : Giacomo Luciani; Tom Moerenhout (2021)

  • Introduction: Economic Sustainability of Oil Economies, Framing the Economic Sustainability of Oil Economies, Fiscal Sustainability, the Labor Market, and Growth in Saudi Arabia, Outlook for Producer Economies, Economic Diversification in Arab Oil-Exporting Countries in the Context of Peak Oil and the Energy Transition, Economic Diversification and Sustainable Development of GCC Countries, Redefining Economic Sustainability in Resource-rich States: Comparative Lessons, Fuel and Elect...