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  • Book

  • Authors : Bram Bouwens; Pierre-Yves Donzé; Takafumi Kurosawa (2017)

  • Changes in the dynamics of economic activities since the last decades of the 20th century have yielded major changes in the composition of industries and the division of labor and production across different regions of the world. Despite these shifts in the global economy, some industries have remained competitive even without relocating their operations overseas. Industries and Global Competition examines how and why the specificities of certain industr...

  • EBook

  • Authors : Gokten, Soner (2017)

  • We have spent a great deal of time on the continued development of accounting and auditing standards, which are used as a primary component of corporate reporting, to reach today's financial reporting framework. However, is it possible to say that, currently, financial statements provide full and prompt disclosure? Or will they still be useful as a primary element with their current structures in corporate reporting? Undoubtedly, we are deeply&#...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Sánchez-García, Jose C (2021)

  • Given the multidisciplinary nature of our object of study, sustainability, we have divided this book into twelve chapters. In the first four, we cover the content required to learn how to start a business and create companies based on sustainability. The following chapters provide guidance to help translate sustainability strategies across cultures. These processes are analyzed through the Triple Bottom Line perspective, which effectively describes the primar...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Garzyńska, Jolanta Iwin (2018)

  • The chapter discusses the base of the corporate income tax and summarizes the provisions of Polish law on corporate income tax with the draft common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) directive. An analysis of tax revenues and tax costs with particular emphasis on revenue not constituting tax revenue and expenses is not considered tax deductibles. The chapter involved conducting a survey. Surveys were sent to 1000 Polish companies subject ...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Gitman, Lawrence J. (2018)

  • Introduction to Business covers the scope and sequence of most introductory business courses. The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change. Introduction to Business includes hundreds of current business examples from a range of industries and geographic locations, which feature a variety of individuals. The outcome is a balanced approach to the&#x...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Black, J. Stewart (2019)

  • The field of management and organizational behavior exists today in a constant state of evolution and change. Casual readers of publications like the New York Times, The Economist and the Wall Street Journal will learn about the dynamic nature of organizations in today’s ever-changing business environment. Organizational Behavior is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on Organizational Behavior. This&#...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : - (-)

  • This textbook provides context and essential concepts across the entire range of legal issues with which managers and business executives must grapple. The text provides the vocabulary and legal acumen necessary for businesspeople to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, government officials—and to their own lawyers. Traditional publishers often create confusion among customers in the text selection process by offeri...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Brito, Sílvio Manuel (2018)

  • Entrepreneurship is a powerful attitude that, in such a way, in the last few years, has become a discipline increasingly transversal to different areas of knowledge. Many times, we think about the things we want such as a good house, a brand new car, a beautiful relationship, a good friendship, and a good way to be in the world. Is that possible that you convert into an entrepreneur? This book shows some examples of tha...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Nguyen, Thu Thuy; Phan Thi Thanh, Hoa (2024)

  • Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm này điều tra mối quan hệ giữa môi trường khởi nghiệp và ý định khởi nghiệp, đóng góp vào tài liệu học thuật về ý định khởi nghiệp ở các nền kinh tế mới nổi. Nó đặc biệt xem xét tác động trung gian của niềm tin vào năng lực bản thân của doanh nhân và tác động điều tiết của các hình mẫu đối với các mối quan hệ này. Dữ liệu được thu thập thông qua bảng câu...