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  • Journal article

  • Authors : Carrico, Chris (2023)

  • Lysine Nɛ-acylations, such as acetylation or succinylation, are post-translational modifications that regulate protein function. In mitochondria, lysine acylation is predominantly non-enzymatic, and only a specific subset of the proteome is acylated. Coenzyme A (CoA) can act as an acyl group carrier via a thioester bond, but what controls the acylation of mitochondrial lysines remains poorly understood. Using published datasets, here we found that pr...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Knoke, Lisa R. (2023)

  • The thiol redox balance in the periplasm of E. coli depends on the DsbA/B pair for oxidative 14 power and the DsbC/D system as its complement for isomerization of non-native disulfides. 15 While the standard redox potentials of those systems are known, the in vivo redox potential 16 imposed onto protein thiol disulfide pairs in the periplasm remains unknown. Here, we used 17 genetically encoded redox probes (roGFP2 ...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Ganar, Ketan A. (2023)

  • Hard ticks feed on their host for multiple days. To ensure firm attachment, they secrete a protein-rich saliva that eventually forms a solid cement cone. The underlying mechanism of this liquid-to-solid transition is not yet understood. This study focuses on the phase transitions of a disordered glycine- rich protein (GRP) that is prominent in tick saliva. We show that GRP undergoes liquid-liquid phase separation via simple coacervatio...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Knoke, Lisa R. (2023)

  • The thiol redox balance in the periplasm of E. coli depends on the DsbA/B pair for oxidative 14 power and the DsbC/D system as its complement for isomerization of non-native disulfides. 15 While the standard redox potentials of those systems are known, the in vivo redox potential 16 imposed onto protein thiol disulfide pairs in the periplasm remains unknown. Here, we used 17 genetically encoded redox probes (roGFP2 ...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Ginn, Helen Mary (2023)

  • Present understanding of protein structure dynamics trails behind that of static structures. A torsionangle based approach, called representation of protein entities (RoPE), derives an interpretable conformational space which correlates with data collection temperature, resolution and reaction coordinate. For more complex systems, atomic coordinates fail to separate functional conformational states, which are still preserved by torsion angle-derived space. This indicates...

  • Journal Article

  • Authors : Henrion, André (2023)

  • Quantitative analysis depends on pure-substance primary calibrators with known mass fractions of impurity. Here, label-free quantification (LFQ) is being evaluated as a readily available, reliable method for determining the mass fraction of host-cell proteins (HCPs) in bioengineered proteins. For example, hemoglobin-A2 (HbA2) is being used as obtained through overexpression in E.coli. Two different materials had been produced: natural, and U-15N-labeled HbA2. For quantification&...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Sennett, Michael A. (2023)

  • Ancestral sequence resurrection (ASR) is the inference of extinct biological sequences from extant sequences, the most popular of which are based on probabilistic models of evolution. ASR is becoming a popular method for studying the evolution of enzyme characteristics. The properties of ancestral enzymes are biochemically and biophysically characterized to gain some knowledge regarding the origin of some enzyme property. Current methodology relies on resurrection ...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Shafiei, Alaleh (2023)

  • Frataxin is a 23 KDa mitochondrial iron-binding protein that is involved in biogenesis of iron sulfur clusters. A deficiency in frataxin leads to Friedreich's ataxia, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The bacterial ortholog of eukaryotic mitochondrial frataxin, CyaY, is thought to play a role in iron sulfur cluster assembly as an iron supplier, making it an important target for study. Here, we present the first ambient tem...