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  • Book

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • These issues range from: industrial science, agricultural research, carbon dioxide and other emissions. This book reports the findings from recent research in greenhouse gases, primarily in the the form of case studies, particularly from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • The first phase is described here in which the consortium decided to want to make the invisible of air pollution and human exposure visible for the integral innovative participation of all city's core pillars (policy, education, infrastructure, culture and entrepreneurship).

  • Book

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • Nanotechnology is a branch of science that deals with fine structures and materials with very small dimensions - less than 100 nm. The composite science and technology have also benefits from nanotechnology. This book collects new developments about diamond and carbon composites and nanocomposites and their use in manufacturing technology.

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • This book presents and analyzes the results of a project to develop and apply mitigation and adaptation strategies and measures for counteracting the global urban heat islands phenomenon, supported by the EU's Central Europe Regional Development Fund. Pilot studies were carried out in eight metropolitan areas.

  • Book

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • This book shows how a responsible use of resources is possible, offering valid technological alternatives to fight climate change. We offer current technologies and valid methods for a wide range of activities: teaching, investigation, work, business and even daily life.