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  • Book

  • Authors : Niaz Ahmad (2016)

  • Provide a compilation of the latest research on various aspects of plastid biology including basic biology, biopharming, metabolic engineering, bio-fortification, stress physiology, and biofuel production.

  • Book

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • Biosurfactant focused research topic aims to summarize the current achievements and explore the direction of development for the future generation of biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers. Some of the biosurfactant optimization processes presented are well-structured and already have a well-established research community. We wish to stimulate on-going discussions at the level of the biosurfactant production including common challenges in the process development, novel organisms and&...

  • Book

  • Authors : Philippe V. Baret (2016)

  • Applying new methods to either new genomic and bioinformatics approaches for characterization of FAnGR, to the development of FAnGR conservation methods applied ex-situ and in-situ, to socio-economic aspects of FAnGR conservation, to transfer of lessons between wildlife and livestock biodiversity conservation, and to the contribution of FAnGR to a transition in agriculture (FAnGR and agro-ecology).

  • Book

  • Authors : - (2016)

  • Implementation strategies in the use of genomics in aquaculture species with emphasis on (1) a better understanding of fish and shellfish biological processes having considerable impact on aquaculture systems; and (2) the efficient incorporation of molecular information into breeding programs to accelerate genetic progress of economically relevant traits.