- Journal article
Authors : Kishikawa, Jun-ichi (2023) - The Na+-pumping NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR) couples electron transfer
3 from NADH to ubiquinone with Na+-pumping, generating an electrochemical Na+ gradient that
4 is essential for energy-consuming reactions in bacteria. Since Na+-NQR is exclusively found in
5 prokaryotes, it is a promising target for highly selective antibiotics. However, the molecular
6 mechanism of inhibition is not well-understood for lack of the atomic structural informa...
- Journal article
Authors : Anderson, Michael J.M. (2023) - The adhesion receptor dystroglycan provides a critical mechanical link between the extracellular matrix (ECM)
and the actin cytoskeleton to help muscle cells withstand contraction and neural cells maintain the blood brain
barrier. Disrupting the link is associated cancer and muscular dystrophy. Proteolysis of dystroglycan by matrix
metalloproteinases (MMPs) provides a mechanism to break the mechanical anchor and is amplified in several
pathogenic states,&...
- Ebooks (Sách điện tử)
Authors : Madabushi, Sowmya (2023) - Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (E.C., UniProt P55786), a zinc
6 metallopeptidase belonging to the M1 family, degrades a number of bioactive peptides as
7 well as peptides released from the proteasome, including polyglutamine. We report the
8 crystal structure of PSA at 2.3 Ǻ. Overall, the enzyme adopts a V-shaped architecture
9 with four domains characteristic of the M1 family aminopeptidases, but it is in a less
- Journal article
Authors : Schäfer, an-Hannes (2023) - Sphingolipids are structural membrane components that also function in cellular stress 32 responses. The serine palmitoyl-transferase (SPT) catalyzes the rate limiting step in 33 sphingolipid biogenesis. Its activity is tightly regulated through multiple binding part-34 ners, including Tsc3, Orm proteins, ceramides, and the phosphatidylinositol-4-phos-35 phate (PI4P) phosphatase Sac1. The structural organization and regulatory mecha-36 nisms of this complex are not yet understood.
- Journal article
Authors : Shafiei, Alaleh (2023) - Frataxin is a 23 KDa mitochondrial iron-binding protein that is involved in
biogenesis of iron sulfur clusters. A deficiency in frataxin leads to Friedreich's ataxia,
a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The bacterial ortholog of eukaryotic
mitochondrial frataxin, CyaY, is thought to play a role in iron sulfur cluster
assembly as an iron supplier, making it an important target for study. Here, we
present the first ambient tem...
- Journal article
Authors : Banerjee, Sayanika (2023) - Ufmylation, a protein modification by Ubiquitin-like (UBL) protein UFM1, plays a crucial
role in several cellular processes including DNA damage response, protein translation and
ER homeostasis. To date, little is known how the enzymes responsible for this modification
coordinate their action. Here we have studied the details of UFL1 (E3) activity, its binding
to UFC1 (E2), and its relation to UBA5 (E1), using a combination of structur...
- Journal article
Authors : McCorvie, Thomas J. (2023) - Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) is an essential metabolic enzyme across all
domains of life involved in the production of glutathione, cysteine, and hydrogen
sulphide1-4. Human CBS appends to its conserved catalytic domain a regulatory domain
that modulates activity by S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) and promotes
oligomerization5-12, however the molecular basis is unknown. Here we show using
cryo-electron microscopy that full-length human CBS in the basa...
- Journal article
Authors : Kumara, Niraj (2023) - Ribosome hibernation is a key survival strategy bacteria adopt under environmental stress,
where a protein, hibernation promotion factor (HPF), transitorily inactivates the ribosome and
slows down its overall protein synthesis. The mechanism is well studied in enteric bacteria,
which mainly hibernate its ribosome in 100S disome form through a dual domain, long HPF
(HPFlong) or a single domain, short HPF (HPFshort) in concert with another ri...
- Journal article
Authors : Bickers, Sarah C. (2023) - ATP binding cassette (ABC) proteins generally couple ATP hydrolysis to the active
20 transport of solutes across cellular membranes. All ABC proteins contain a core structure of two
21 transmembrane domains (TMD1, TMD2) and two nucleotide binding domains (NBD1, NBD2),
22 and many ABC proteins contain additional domains. Some members of the C subfamily of ABC
23 (ABCC) proteins, such as the multidrug resistant protein 1 (MRP1), con...
- Journal Article
Authors : Williamson, Lainey J. (2023) - Tpp49Aa1 from Lysinibacillus sphaericus is a Toxin_10 family protein that – in combination with
Cry48Aa1, a 3-domain crystal protein - has potent mosquitocidal activity, specifically against
Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. MHz serial femtosecond crystallography at a nano-focused
X-ray free electron laser, allowed rapid and high-quality data collection to determine the
Tpp49Aa1 structure at 1.62 Å resolution from native nanocrystals. This revealed the packin...