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  • Journal article

  • Authors : Kishikawa, Jun-ichi (2023)

  • The Na+-pumping NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR) couples electron transfer 3 from NADH to ubiquinone with Na+-pumping, generating an electrochemical Na+ gradient that 4 is essential for energy-consuming reactions in bacteria. Since Na+-NQR is exclusively found in 5 prokaryotes, it is a promising target for highly selective antibiotics. However, the molecular 6 mechanism of inhibition is not well-understood for lack of the atomic structural informa...

  • Journal article

  • Authors : Richards, Logan S. (2023)

  • Amyloid diseases are linked to the formation and persistence of large, multimeric structures in various tissues. Amyloid fibrils are characterized by a cross-beta scaffold in which identical protein molecules mate tightly as beta-strands to form a long, unbranched fibril1,2. Before amyloid-forming proteins assemble into fibrils, they can display a globular fold, requiring partial or total unfolding to convert into an amyloid state3,4. Debilitating ne...