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  • Book

  • Authors : - (2021)

  • This book is a contribution to the fast and broad Density Functional Theory (DFT) applications of the last few years. Since 2000, the DFT has grown exponentially in several computational areas because of its versatility and reliability to calculate energy from electronic density.

  • Book

  • Authors : - (2021)

  • This book presents an overview of the different types of new magnetic materials and hybrid structures that exhibit different magnetic phenomena and interesting properties. The reported materials are studied theoretically and experimentally, which are the building blocks of all technological innovations.

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Moebs, William (2021)

  • Our University Physics textbook adheres to the scope and sequence of most two- and threesemester physics courses nationwide. We have worked to make physics interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. With this objective in mind, the content of this textbook has been developed and arranged to provide a logical progression from fundamental to more advanced concepts, building upon what ...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Shahine, Mike Haidar (2021)

  • This book represents a unique collection of the latest developments in the rapidly developing world of optoelectronics. The contributing authors to this book are a group of internationally distinguished researchers. This book consists of a collection of chapters divided into two sections, with the first section covering new applications and the second section covering materials and crystal structures topics to support future generations of optoelectronic devices&#...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Goundar, Sam (2021)

  • The turn of the new millennium has brought with it an explosion of activity around electronic services (e-services) in the form of e-commerce, e-business, e-government, e-learning, and so on. The provision of all possible goods and services electronically via the Internet with the use of semantic web technologies has seen a paradigm shift from the traditional brick-and-mortar location-based services to the ubiquitous provision of goods and services onlin...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Saleh, Hosam M. (2021)

  • Cement is the basis of the building and construction industry and of fundamental importance for many civil engineering applications. As such, the cement industry is one of the key industries worldwide necessary for the current and future sustainable development of society. Despite its undisputed importance, the cement industry is one of those industrial branches predominately responsible for high energy consumption and excessive generation of large amounts of...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Nguyen, Tien M. (2021)

  • Note 520 This book provides a high-level overview of the current state of the art and future of satellite systems, satellite control systems, and satellite systems design. Chapters cover such topics as existing and future satellite systems, satellite communication subsystems, space control and Space Situation Awareness (SAA), machine learning methods with novel neural networks, data measurements in Global Navigation Satellite Systems, and much more.&...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Płaczek, Bartłomiej (2021)

  • Recent advances in sensor design, embedded systems, and communication networks allow us to collect valuable biomedical data effectively. The new biomedical data acquisition systems make significant contributions to life quality as well as support healthcare and diagnostic procedures. This book presents several innovative applications of data acquisition technology for monitoring patient activity, assisted living, diagnosing osteoarthritis, recognizing disorders of the cardiovascular ...

  • Ebooks (Sách điện tử)

  • Authors : Kheng, Tan Yen (2021)

  • Smart manufacturing uses big data, the Internet of things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS), and flexible and dynamic workforces to cope with ever-increasing demand in low-volume, high-mix production. Companies worldwide are already pivoting towards dynamic and reconfigurable production as a smarter way to build and make things. As such, this book discusses the next generation of manufacturing, which will involve the transformational convergence of int...