Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Reading Rhetorical Theory: Speech, Representation & Power
Authors: Hallsby, Atilla
Keywords: lý thuyết tu từ; Kỹ năng đọc; Bài phát biểu; Đại diện
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Reading Rhetorical Theory also provides a number of additional advantages over a conventional textbook. • There is no cost to either the instructor or the student. • It enables instructors to teach in a range of modalities, or to move between online and in-person administration as needed. • It is formatted for reading/watching/listening on mobile devices and computers. • The online format allows course content can be updated on the go, rather than releasing successive editions over time. • Chapters/entries offer multiple ways for students to receive the materials. The written chapters contain the same content as the posted recorded lectures (although occasionally, the material posted in the textbook will be more detailed to avoid excessively long recorded lectures). • This resource is intended to provide a course shell that harmonizes with instructors’ and students’ needs for online teaching while minimizing the amount of preparation required to teach.
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