Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Smart-design of universally decorated nano-particles for drug delivery applications driven by active transport
Authors: Halbi, Gal
Keywords: hạt nano; thuốc; vận chuyển; tích cực; Thiết kế thông minh; trang trí
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: bioRxiv
Abstract: Targeting the cell nucleus remains a challenge for drug delivery. Here we present a universal platform for smart design of nano-particles (NPs) decoration that allows recruitment of multiple dynein motors to drive their active motion towards the nucleus. The uniqueness of our approach is based on using: (i) a spacer polymer, commonly Biotin-Polyethylene-glycol-thiol (B-PEG-SH), whose grafting density and molecular weight can be tuned thereby allowing NP transport optimization, and (ii) protein binding peptides, like cell penetrating, NLS, or cancer targeting, peptides. Universal chemistry is employed to link peptides to the PEG free-end. To manifest our platform, we use a SV40T large antigen-originating NLS peptide. Our modular design allows tuning the number of recruited motors, and to replace the NLS by a variety of other localization signal molecules. Our control of the NP decoration scheme, and the modularity of our platform, carries great advantage for nano-carrier design for drug delivery applications.
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