Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Binding mechanism underlying FIH-1 suppression caused by the N-terminal disordered region of Mint3
Authors: Ten, Tensho
Keywords: rối loạn nội tại; protein; nhiệt lượng; Cơ chế liên kết
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: bioRxiv
Abstract: Mint3 is known to enhance aerobic ATP production, known as the Warburg effect, by binding to FIH-1. Since this effect is considered to be beneficial for cancer cells, the interaction is a promising target for cancer therapy. However, previous research has suggested that the interacting region of Mint3 with FIH-1 is intrinsically disordered, which makes investigation of this interaction challenging. Therefore, we adopted a physicochemical approach that combined thermodynamic studies with structural analyses in solution, to clarify the binding mechanism.
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Appears in Collections:OER - Kỹ thuật hóa học; Công nghệ sinh học - Thực phẩm; Công nghệ môi trường




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