Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Identification and characterization of novel plasma proteins in drug resistant HIV/AIDS patients by SWATH-MS
Authors: Barik, Sushanta Kumar
Keywords: Xác định; mô tả đặc tính; protein; huyết tương mới; HIV/AIDS; kháng thuốc
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: bioRxiv
Abstract: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is one of the most important diseases caused by human immunodeficiency virus. Understanding its molecular pathogenesis is essential to manage the disease at the population level. In this study, a quantitative analysis of plasma proteins was carried out in drug resistant and drug respondent patients using the SWATH-MS. Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH-MS) is a prime technique to seek the key plasma proteins involved in virus replication and drug metabolism during therapy
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Appears in Collections:OER - Kỹ thuật hóa học; Công nghệ sinh học - Thực phẩm; Công nghệ môi trường




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