Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Air Pollution Modelling: Local-, Regional-, and Global-Scale Application
Editors: Syuichi, Itahashi
Keywords: Air quality; Chất lượng không khí; Environmental assessment; Đánh giá môi trường; Reactive pollutants; Chất gây ô nhiễm; Atmospheric reanalysis; Phân tích khí quyển
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: The air pollution problem inevitably accompanies our human activities. Severe air pollution situations have been reported, especially in emerging countries, and satisfying the air quality standards fully remains an underlying issue. Today, modeling research is one of the more valuable approaches to understanding the behavior of air pollutants, and is useful for regulation-, policy- and decision-making. Such modeling applications range, with regard to horizontal grid resolution, from a few km (local) to hundreds of km (regional), to thousands of km (global). To foster our current scientific knowledge on modeling potentialities and limitations, scientific research related to multi-scale air pollution modeling is collected in this book.
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ISBN: 9783036506449
Appears in Collections:OER - Kỹ thuật hóa học; Công nghệ sinh học - Thực phẩm; Công nghệ môi trường




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